Wednesday, September 22, 2010

कार्टून: भारी कन्फ्यूज़न है भाई !!

A Delhi-centric Games without regional involvement? At least 30% of tickets for the opening ceremony have been reserved for VIPs and VVIPs. Where is Bharat in this national pride? The format of the opening ceremony still not finalized? The signature tune has just been unveiled, but the Rs 70 crore floating aerostat is not certain and the central stage is yet to be built. (Source TOI)
बामुलाहिजा >> Cartoon by Kirtish Bhatt


Sharmila Ganguly said...

Nice cartoon :)

Bhavesh (भावेश ) said...

हा हा !! चाहे बन कर घिरा या बिना बने घिर, इसकी वजह से कितने सरकारी लोगो के घर बन गए ये पता करने वाली बात है.